Say YES to NO!!

‘NO’ meaning Nitric Oxide! (No not the laughing gas kind – which is nitrous oxide!)

My passion for sound and the healing nature of it, continues to drive me to find out so much more fantastic and mind blowing information on the profound positive effects pure vibration can have on your body and soul on so many levels!

I use tuning forks on my therapy sessions regularly and consistently read deeply about them to gain more knowledge and know how on the profound healing nature and therapeutic benefits they have on the body on a cellular and energetic level. This book which is one of my faves –

Free your Voice by Silvia Nakkach has prompted me to share with you some ground breaking information about a brilliant little molecule called Nitric Oxide!

In my readings of this book, Studies by Dr John Beaulieu, an expert in this field, have shown that the use of tuning forks on the body or applied to the body readily spikes the production of Nitric Oxide. (NO)

NO is known as a tiny molecule that is fundamental to all life and essential for healthy function of vital organs. (Beaulieu also suggests that chanting has a similar effect.)

Scientists who have investigated this molecule found that when the body is under stress, NO production diminishes and this kicks in the sympathetic nervous response, which is associated with lack of energy, joint pain, decreased sexual drive, depression, headaches, anxiety, muscular tension, and digestive disorders.

NO has whats called a ‘puffing cycle’ that is closely linked with the autonomic nervous system.

According to Beaulieu, during the rising puffing phase, NO is released which signals the body to move into the parasympathetic nervous responses – cells relax and move further apart and become rounder, and we begin to feel calmer and more relaxed in this phase, this parasympathetic response allows for better digestion, less muscular tension, less anxiety etc. And during the falling puffing phase, NO dissipates and signals the the body to move into sympathetic nervous mode, which causes the cells to move closer together, thicken their walls and become skinnier. ( like the fight or flight mode)

This puffing cycle allows NO to do its job of destroying bacteria, viruses and free radicals. This puffing cycle is a beneficial when in balance. But when it is out of balance, then this is where problems may begin to occur within our body or our emotional and mental health.

When NO production  is stimulated begins to create some amazing positive psychological benefits such as:

Heart healing and enhanced vascular flow, a stronger immune system, more resistance to stress and acquiring greater stamina, sharper mental clarity and deeper insights, diminished states of depression, calmer states of being.

Not only tuning forks have this positive effect on your systems. But other vibrational instruments and music can deeply influence your state of being. Most significantly- the human voice.

Further Studies have shown that increased NO production can come from inhaling deeply through the nose and ad to increased levels of oxidisation in the blood. And that humming can increase the nasal NO levels by up to 20 fold! (This one excites me!!) We can actually play a significant role in healing ourselves through sound with the most effective sound healing instrument ever – your Voice!

When you surround yourself with pure sound vibration or uplifting music, you are giving yourself a greater chance of increasing NO levels within you and allowing your body and mind to experience the benefits of a deeper sense of wellbeing through healthier nervous responses created by these higher sound vibrations.

So say YES to more NO in your life!!


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